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Lions Clubs International - District 105M - Midland News

Ordinary People doing Amazing Things

My First Multiple District Convention 2010 

Well here I am in Leeds for the 60th Anniversary Convention arriving for the International Dinner, to be able to see our clubs patron HRH the Countess of Wessex although she did not come to the table I was sitting at she came very close was such a start to the days ahead, her speech was both touching and humorous and very genuine when talking of her experience in Africa.


On the Friday afternoon the City of Leeds was well represented at the International Show with local bands, Irish dancers, male voice choir and other entertainers.

The evening was a sixties theme and what a fantastic array of costumes did we see that night a fabulous time was had by all.


Saturday the convention started for real the International President Eberhard J Werfs was present, Council chairman Andy Pemberton managed to ensure things ran as smoothly as possible.

It was a very interesting morning with both the candidates who were nominated for election as International 2nd Vice Presidents gave excellent presentations and this made the voting very close, exciting to be part of this process.

Reports were given by the Council Secretary and Council Treasurer and also MD Officers, all of which were very interesting.

The winner of the Young Ambassador of the 21st century was unable to be present and a letter was read out to us on her behalf it was very moving.

The Afternoon we had a wonderful presentation by Lord Crisp.

Resolutions were voted on and result of the candidate for International 2nd Vice President announced.

An address by the International President Eberhard J Werfs included presentation of awards to fellow Lions.

The Day closed at 16.30


Not all was over as that evening we started off with a Civic Reception in the Royal Armouries followed by the Banquet and Ball this was a great evening the number of people who attended exceeded 1000. I cannot describe how they managed to serve us all with such a wonderful meal and entertainment by a youth orchestra and military band who did a cabaret act for us I have never seen anything like it! This was then followed by another orchestra who we were able to dance the night away.


Sunday morning we were back into the Conference Centre to begin the final part of the weekend.

Council Chairman and Past International Directors, District Governors 2009/2010 were introduced.

The Re-launch of the Bert Mason Award, Paul Whittaker who is profoundly deaf introduced in a way no one else could have done the Orchestra of the Deaf, again I must say this was such a moving and enlightening experience for us all, and tissues were at hand to help us through this.

Following this Paul was made a Lion of the Internet Club He was overwhelmed.

Bert Mason Trophies were presented.

Recital by the winner of the Young Musician winner of 2010 was so Fantastic I have not heard the Classical Guitar played so professionally by such a young person she I hope go on to win the final in Bologna (Italy) at Europa Forum.

More Trophies were presented

We were honoured to be given a presentation by Sir Laurie Macmenemy about the Disabled Olympics and he presented to us two of the competitors a very moving tribute to all who take part.

The District Governors 2010/2011 and Council Chairman 2010/2011 were then introduced.

This was followed by a presentation by the Host committee for the MD Convention 2011 in Belfast.

I cannot praise the Leeds Host Committee for making this an exceptional three days something I will not forget for some time.

Thank you to all the Lions some of whom I have not seen for some time and for those who I had not met before for helping me to enjoy this memorable event.

In this resume I may have missed some things out and got some names wrong, for this I apologies.

Zone Chairman Lion Pauline Fanti

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